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Showing posts from March, 2021

How to Start a Bullet Journal

 Dear Readers If you are new to my blog please check out Start a Journal today: What is a journal and why keep it Today I will discuss the brief on the bullet journal which is going to change your life. Before we step into it first a quick preview of the bullet journal. What is Bullet Journal A bullet journal is ideal for someone who writes a lot of lists. When you write a lot of records, and you don’t have them in one place, it can be really frustrating. You can choose to write down bullets filled with possible ideas that you’d like to achieve. You can write groceries list, things you wanna do before die and so on. How to Get Started I am really obsessed with journals, planners and notebooks. They can help me to stay focused and organised . I used to keep several planners that served different purposes, so when I heard of the bullet journal and what it can do, I became intrigued. Bullet's Supplies You Need Follow me on  Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Youtube .  Note