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How to Start a Bullet Journal

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Today I will discuss the brief on the bullet journal which is going to change your life. Before we step into it first a quick preview of the bullet journal.

What is Bullet Journal

A bullet journal is ideal for someone who writes a lot of lists. When you write a lot of records, and you don’t have them in one place, it can be really frustrating. You can choose to write down bullets filled with possible ideas that you’d like to achieve. You can write groceries list, things you wanna do before die and so on.

How to Get Started

I am really obsessed with journals, planners and notebooks. They can help me to stay focused and organised.

I used to keep several planners that served different purposes, so when I heard of the bullet journal and what it can do, I became intrigued.

Bullet's Supplies You Need

  • Notebook

One of the great things about this organizational notebook system is that you don’t need to have any particular, special journal. In fact, any old notebook will do.

If you’re like me, however, and you’re motivated by beautiful things, you’re probably looking forward to buying a new notebook in your favourite colour and size dimensions. 

My favourite one thus far is the Leuchtturm1917 Hardcover Medium Dotted Journal in Berry (I like pink!). It’s hardcover, sturdy, and the perfect travel size, too.

It’s probably the most popular notebook for bullet journaling. It can definitely fit in your backpack or large handbag.

  • Pen and Highlighters

As far as pens go, I individually like to use erasable pens because if I make a mistake or don’t like how my layout is panning out, I can just erase it instead of using white-out or wasting a page.

Plus, I sometimes like bright, colourful pages in my bullet journal, and the erasable pens I use come in various colours, which helps me differentiate my tasks and beautify my journal. 

  • Ruler

Yes, you’re going to need a ruler to draw lines for all those spreads you’ll create. You don’t need a fancy one, any ruler will do.

I recommend a 6-inch ruler because its the ideal size for drawing lines across the Leuchtturm1917, which is the notebook I have. If you’re using a larger notebook, you might prefer a larger ruler. Many bullet journalists swear by rulers that have a non-slip cork backing, like the one below. 

  • Washi Tape and Stickers

Do you like adding pops of detail to your planners? Washi Tape is great for this because they come in different prints, so it’s perfect for highlighting different tasks and reminders, as are stickers and sticky notes.

Remember, no planner on earth can force you to keep using it, so creating a planner that inspires you is key. While washi tape isn’t absolutely necessary, it does help to beautify your journal, and I find that a beautiful journal is actually much more inspiring than a plain one. 

How to Create a Bullet Journal

  • Index

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First, you’ll want to build an Index. Think of your index as your journal’s Table of Contents.

If you’re using a notebook that doesn’t already come with numbered pages, make sure to number the pages yourself so that you can keep an index. If you include an Index, you won’t ever have to frantically look for a page or note, you’ll just check your index for your note’s page number. It’ an easy filing system!

Simply leave the first few pages of your notebook blank so that you can add your entries and page numbers to the Index as you go along.

  • Key

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Now that you know how to create your Index, let’s move on to your Nexus, aka your Legend. Don’t panic – it’s not complex! 

A bullet journal Key or Motto is simply a page where you store all of your symbols and what they symbolize. 

  • Future Log

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Your future log is pretty important because it serves as the “higher picture” for the year ahead. This log usually consists of 2 pages in your bullet journal that houses all the months of the year, like a traditional Calendar. This is where you’ll put anything that you want to be reminded of every time you flip to it.

Personally, I use the Future Log as the place to write my monthly goals. I choose 1 major goal for each month, and I make sure to write it at the top of the month so that it’s easily seen.

You can use the Future Log to write down birthdays, yearly doctor’s appointments and checkups, car tune-ups, school exams, bills, etc. 

  • Monthly Planner

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Your Monthly Scope is an excellent place to house your most important monthly commitments and goals. There are so many different layouts and spreads to try, and some of them look like a traditional monthly calendar set-up, while others are much more minimalistic, artistic, or experimental.

  • Weekly Planner

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This is an extra bullet logging system that many bullet journalists use.

The point of a Weekly Spread is to keep you focused on the goals and tasks that need to be worked on before the next week begins. This is the place where you’ll store your weekly appointments and key reminders.

  • Daily Layout

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This is my beloved spread because it’s what keeps me so focused on each day’s tasks! I use dailies the most and it’s what keeps me coming back to my bullet journal every day. 

Dear reader, How are you planning the future? 
  Let me know in the comment.

Another Important Post

Until my next blog post, here's wishing you lots of joy and happiness!

With love,


Thank you for reading.

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