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Showing posts from September, 2021

How to Find your Art Style

Dear Readers Follow me on  Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Youtube .  I first got into art when I was born 😜. It started as a hobby. Now it is a big part of my life. Art is my identity. People around me always encourages my art.  I practice art almost every day and still finding my art style. The art style is extremely important for an artist. It reflects a unique personality to your art. Many famous artists have created extremely recognizable works of art. You would probably recognize one of Leonardo da Vinci’s sketches or a bright and textured Van Gogh painting as soon as you saw them But the works of famous artists aren’t just familiar because they are famous. Each of these artists has a unique style that they developed throughout their artistic journey. But how do we find our art style? I hope after reading this article it will help you to find your art style. Tips to finding your Art Style Follow me on  Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Youtube .  Find