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Showing posts from 2022

How to Create a Mood Board: Step by Step Guide

Dear Lerner's A mood board is a physical or digital collage of inspiration. A mood board help us to generate new ideas for your personal or professional work. A mood board are generally used in fields like interior design, fashion, and graphic design. From multi-team projects to building the bases of a company, learning to use mood boards as part of your initial brainstorming process can help you save time and energy when developing an idea. Reason to Create a Mood Board Help to Build a Robust Foundation A mood board helps us to create a strong foundation for any project. A mood board will help to analyse the brand's purpose, vision, brand aesthetics, and many more. Sometimes it’s even beneficial to create a few mood boards that highlight various elements of the project so that you can provide a holistic, optical landscape before initiating. It also helps you to create

It's Never Too Late to Start Over!

Dear Readers It's been a long time since you've not seen me around. Life is full of twists and turns that you'll never know what you find next? I've been really busy with my 9-7 job and my open studies. However , I need to carry on with what I've started. I cannot just give up or left something in the middle. That's what today's blog is about - STARTING OVER! In our daily life, things happen beyond our control. And we can’t help but hunger for a change and a spin of transformation. We have to outline different ways to thrive beyond stagnation. After realization, I want to take control of the wheel of my life. All I need is to stay motivated and follow certain rules. Sounds easy right! But simple as this sounds it's hard to do. It is a process of changing certain happenings, behavior, habits or situations. It inclined shift or beneficial inclined position. It is a process life ushers in with tons of ups and downs. A journey of discovery through the mome