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Showing posts from May, 2020

Make a Change

Greeting Readers GROWING IS  PAINFUL.  CHANGE IS  PAINFUL. but nothing is as  painful as staying  stuck some where  you don't belong.  Growing in the big city is hard. Once you've have gotten attached to everything a big city brings - it's hard to step away. Big cities can be your favourite place or your worst nightmare. Why! Ask yourselves? Don't you think people judge you for no reason, babbling behind your back and spread rumours about you? The worst they just talk to you cause they want something. Today's everyone desires to reach the height of success by utilising other people. But they have no idea how they affected other people health, especially mental health. As the Indian Journal of Psychiatry report says there are 33% of people who are dealing with depression and 2% are dealing with a general anxiety disorder (GAD). Plus still, it is rising. Those reports are based on those people who know about their mental health. And what about those who ha

Be Thankful

Within moments, the entire place came into the grasp of darkness and black clouds began to roar.   Greeting readers!  If you live in Delhi , you know what I am talking about. The last night ravishing rain of course. As for my family, we decided to walk on roof after dinner. Then my parents thankful to God everything they have for that moment. Suddenly it came my consciousness  "How many times we have thankful for anything ?" So, Why would we wait for thanksgiving! Let thankful for at least 5 things, which make you feel alive.   Here is my  "thankful for"  list: I am thankful for my  Family health. I am thankful for  the hard times that I have experienced in the past which always reminds me   "life is short so live it with kindness and forgiveness" I am thankful for  my amazing crazy friends. I am thankful for  the sunshine. "The sun's warmth can brighten any day". I am thankful for  ability to Love. Now d

Get Inspired

Greeting Readers Sometimes, I kill time by reading a book. The best part of book they are fictional and full of adventure, drama, emotions, motivational and inspiring. One of my favorite novel is  "Till the Last Breath" by Durjoy Datta. This novel is about two youngsters fighting for their lives but uncertain about whether they have any hope for survival. The book is about Dushyant Roy and Pihu Malhotra. I fascinated by the brilliant 19 year old medical student Pihu character in the novel. I mean she is smart, fun loving, curious but she is suffering from incurable, fatal disease hurtling her at a slow, painful, uncertain death. I don't wanna spoil the fun if you haven't read it.But her struggle with this disease changed her life. Even she knew she wouldn't return from from the clutches of death, so she decide to give it to someone who is being loved by few...  She always have a back for her friends!     Here is my imagination on Pihu Malhotra.   N

New Beginning

Welcome to my first blog post! I don't decide to do things out of the blue, maybe something came up in mind. I mean it would be fun to have a blog where I could share my art, thoughts, knowledge and whatever else come to my mind. and Who am I ? I am YOU! a regular person who love to take a risk with life.