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Showing posts from June, 2020

Home Activities to try this week: Part-1

Greeting wonderful readers Are you looking for the inspiration on things to try out? Maybe you are simply sitting at home, bored out of your mind. Whichever ship you are in, I have got you covered! This post may contain affiliate links where, at no additional price to you, I may receive a commission if you use them. I only recommend products I use, trust, and adore.  Before we dive in, A true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him. Tribute to our brave Indian soldiers in a clash with Chinese forces in the disputed Himalayan region of Ladakh. Try the list of home activities is filled with amazing ideas that will keep you busy. Fun Games at home to Try out: Classic board game: Gather up everyone for a fun day. Some of my favourite games are monopoly , scrabble and chess . You can even get an android app to play with friends. Complex board game: There are no doubt board games are getting more and more unique, complex and FUN

How to draw our feelings?

Greeting Readers You don't have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you. Today, I'll share how to draw your feelings.  As we are all going through hard times, especially from recent activity. India lost brilliant stars:  Shushat Singh Rajput and Irrfan Khan which left us all in mute. We request their fans to keep them in their thoughts and celebrate their life and their work as they did so far. We request the media to help us to maintain privacy at the moment of grief. R.I.P for the army soldier who killed in an exchange of fire along the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir’s Poonch district on Saturday, PTI reported. This is a beginner-friendly art therapy exercise will help us to express ourselves and use art as the opening for our feelings. I am inviting you to do some self art therapy.  First, create a peaceful environment/space so that you can feel relax and calm. Materials you need: If you are going to draw: Sketchbook or paper Colour

How to be more creative

Greeting readers God, sometimes I got blocked as a self-taught artist. It is hard to be creative all the time. Creativity is the most important skill, not even for the artist but for all of us. According to the World Economic Forum (WEF) , creativity ranks third on the list of top 10 skills employers will want in future jobs. How can we be more creative? Creativity is a skill that can be learned and improved. We are full of creativity when we are children. We created the imagined fantasy world. We weren't concerned about how silly we looked. This was the only reason for our creativity.  This is the best time to remember what it was to be like curious , to dream and to explore in the beautiful mind. Now, How can we access the forbidden creativity inside us? Do 5 things to be more creative: 1. Drink Tea Are you a chai lover? lucky you! The current research demonstrates that drinking tea can improve creative performance with divergent thinking. This work contributes to understandin

Take control of your life

Greeting Readers A smooth sea never made a  skilled sailor We all have certain ambitions in our life and willing to take action towards achieving them. That person is not out there. You create that person you want to become. I am working on myself every day. I create myself with my habits with my mindset , my interests . I am creating my story every day , and I have a chance to start a new chapter . You can let go of that you don't know what to do in life, just by accepting how you feel. Don't let society  "whatsoever they think?". Take control of your life. They don't care: How are you feeling? then why should we care? To control your life: First, you have to accept your life as your own and should have self-realization that you are the only one who can change it at any moment. I do remember I used to think that "I won't start a blog. What if no one reads it. And what if someone laughs at me?" The core truth is, there is no "if" . Take

Top 10 Disney movies to watch during the quarantine

Greeting readers Just because we are not going to Disneyland doesn't mean we can't feel the Disney magic. I mean I love Disney, I can't even imagine this world without it.  When somebody asks me what I do for fun, I usually answer with reading and watching movies . There are so many movies that I love, so I've decided to create a list of top 10 movies. Today we will be counting down on top 10 Disney movies to watch during the quarantine. Let's start! 10.  Home Alone                          09. The little mermaid                          08. Onward                          07. Star Wars: Marathon                      06. Inside Out                               05. Frozen franchise                               04. Up                          03. The Hunchback of Notre Dame                               02. Wall-E                          01. Tangled                                Which Disney movie did you recently watch? Let us know in the co

Secrets of self-taught artists

Greeting Readers Well, I am not an artist, even I have never learned drawing from top art school and learned how to draw and paint in person. If readers you are like and do not have this luxury then " congratulations! You are a self-taught artist". I have no guidance provided the art school however, I have the freedom to learn how I feel. If we have determination and passion and devotion then we can achieve anything that a trained artist could achieve. Some of the great Indian artist or we can say master of paintings include: Dorathe Victory: One of the most inspiring and self-taught artist. MS Hussain: No comments needed for his artwork. Mahesh Pandit: This man already impressed the Prime minister of India. So, if you are at the journey of a self-taught artist. Here is the ultimate guide to help you. 1.    Copy the professional:   Sometimes the best way to study the techniques of the great professional is to try and copy their work. This will teach you the colour choi

Hakuna Matata

Greeting Readers Hakuna Matata It means no worries for the rest of the days Let's ride back to our childhood, where we imagined living in a house made of chocolates or can fly like a superman or can live life inside a computer (this one is my favourite) or can be a player in a video game and so on. Then we grew up and or we have to think about to have a job that pays well and score 99.9% to get admission in your favourite university. We've become a racer to this unknown race of life . Even we have no idea when this race will end and where its path is going. But close your eyes and ask your self are you happy with this. If your answer is "No" then say "Hakuna Matata".  And take your self out! oops sorry, I forget the Government of India under Prime Minister Narendra Modi ordered a nationwide lockdown for 21 days, limiting movement as a preventive measure against the COVID-19 pandemic in India. But no worries if you can't go out you can go in!  Give time